Doing Resolutions Like a Dog!

doing resolutions like a dog

This new year, I’m going to think like a dog in order to make my resolutions last - now, bear with me here.

It’s a new year full of new excitement and new adventures ahead - and yet we seem to resort back to our OLD New Year’s Eve resolutions: lose weight and eat better.

Most of our goals stem from a place of, “I am not enough as I am, and I need to do / be more in order to be better.” However, is that goal biblical? Does God look at us through a lens of insufficiency when He sees us?

Of course not - so why do we believe the world’s lies over our creator’s lies? With the root of such goals so rotten, is it any wonder why we end up burning out a couple months in? We have no real substance to go off of, so why would we expect to soar?

So instead of making goals out of a place of shame, why not think like a dog instead?

Hey Sparky, what would you like do more of this year? Dog parks.

Hey Fido, what passion has God placed specifically on your heart that makes you really excited? Going for walks.

Dogs don’t doubt their hearts desires. I love how blissfully unaware they are of beauty standards, wealth disparities, and all the other standards we find ourselves crushes by - who else would like to have those weights removed?

In addition to simply getting to do more things you love, having goals like these give us more energy, help us define our purpose, and be living testaments to why walking with Jesus is the best walk out there.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made - the things that light up our lives were placed there by God for a reason. Instead of starting off the year with the internal message of “I’m not enough,” let’s join together and create New Year’s Resolutions the right way - like a dog.

Go get ‘em!


PS - You don’t want your dog to be bored while you spend time taking care of you, right?! All dog lovers must check out my pup’s favorite (and affordable!!) toy HERE!

Prefer to listen? I hear you! Click on this picture to watch my video post on this topic.

Much love, Miki